Saturday, July 16, 2011

Welcome to Vegodactyl- A Vegan Adventure!

I started eating strictly vegetarian since I was about nine. The taste, texture and idea of it bothered me. I’ve always thought that veganism is a fascinating idea. I've been interested in it for a while now. Recently I decided to not only go vegan, but also give up white flour and white sugar for 10 days. I loved the way I was feeling so much- I decided to keep it up.

Now I'm blogging my adventures in order hopefully stay on track. I’m lucky to have vegan and/or gluten free friends that I can borrow recipes from and try recipes with. I’m even luckier to live with an amazing meat-eating boyfriend (Brian) who not only tolerates my vegan adventures but enjoys them as well. I feel like I can always get a good opinion from him on whether or not a non-veg would enjoy a recipe.

I love all things creative, and cooking is just one of my many loves. With that said, please be sympathetic while I try and learn how to write recipes. I'm very silly and since I was very young, I decided that recipes were more “guidelines” or even “suggestions.” Brian’s been on me for years that whenever I change a recipe to write it down. This blog will be that- but also twist your creative bone. You may discover where I used black beans- kidney beans are better. Or you may change flours or spices; whatever you do have fun and good luck!

Since I just started the transition into a vegan (and hopefully gluten and sugar free!) life, I'm trying to stay healthy and still satisfy my sometimes-scary sweet tooth. Keep an eye out for my favorite recipes, food adventures, reviews, and probably pictures of my kittens. Hope you enjoy.


  1. I agree- but it's also an adjustment! If you have any recipes or suggestions please pass them on!

  2. < not vegan by any means. But I do enjoy your blog, and getting ideas to build upon. Not to mention fun pictures of Mr. Brian. :)

  3. Oh Brian.... He is a hoot. And yes I said a hoot.
